Individual Coaching

522743866Challenges come in many forms.

Developing a realistic plan for setting and achieving goals is not always easy. Therefore, having a plan and strategy can increase the probability of attaining your goals.

Effective communication is essential in the workplace or relationships, but not everyone can engage people effectively.

Career changes are hard to navigate, and deciding to transition to a new job or career field requires planning and the ability to identify the right fit for you. Transitioning from your life’s work toward retirement can be a particularly unclear time. You need objective assistance to define and lay out just what retirement looks like for you.

Life presents these and many other types of challenges that are hard to navigate alone.

Your challenge is my work grid.

Let me work in tandem with you as you determine your next steps – whether work angst, career dissonance, a transition from one job to another, pre-retirement planning, or guidance during a challenging season.

Our work together will maximize your time and your next steps in life.

The challenges you face will stymie or stimulate your future impact.

I tailor my coaching techniques to your unique life situation to help propel you toward solutions as you step forward into the future.

391672204What do you want?

Your ability to answer this question with clarity and purpose will determine the degree to which you live a healthy future life.

Coaching differs from counseling primarily by working from the assumption that you have the tools and strengths to accomplish your goals. A coaching approach directs toward a client’s preferred future and strengths instead of past problems and deficits.

In our work together, you will formulate goals that match your values, optimize your vision for your next phase, and vitalize your overall well-being.

Rather than seeking endless advice from so-called experts and web search results, I will listen to what you desire, and together, we will develop a plan that meets your needs and capitalizes on your strengths and abilities.

Solutions most often emerge from our stories. Let’s start editing your stories and elicit the solutions that help you confidently overcome challenges as you venture into the future.

Give me a ring, and let’s see how I can help you with your current/future challenge.

Some of the questions that guide my work with you:

What does a valuable life look like in the eyes of my client?

What are the steps they must accomplish to achieve that?

What will be different in my client’s life
when they reach their goals?

What is my client’s narrative about failure?

What is their degree of awareness and robust practice
of their strengths and talents?