You are not alone.
Welcome to the 40% of men and women who seek therapy. Depression and anxiety plague millions of people in our culture. Knowing you are not alone might be somewhat comforting, though your situation and story are uniquely yours.
You and I will work to discover what has transpired in your life to get you to this place.
I tell clients that depression and anxiety are like a coin – depressive symptoms on one side, anxious feelings on the other. And sometimes, both occur at the same time. In either case, we will attack the issues through the lens of grief and trauma in our work together.
Anxiety and depression have underlying causes.
Unresolved grief and loss often lurk behind depression, and unprocessed trauma is often a precursor to anxiety.
Most adults who experience anxiety and depression have at least a few issues in common, including emotional, physical, sexual, or spiritual abuse, abandonment, adoption, or bullying.
We will delve into the family and life dynamics that have profoundly impacted you. Significant hurt, abuse, and neglect show up in all our histories. Where does it show up in yours?
Traumatic experiences place our bodies in fight or flight mode, releasing stress hormones. If these incidents occur in childhood, we are even less able to process and release this anxious energy fully. Eventually, through the years, our bodies can no longer contain all this pent-up stress as the usual pressures of life stack up. We will break.
Healing requires identifying the cause.
The healing process for depression or anxiety involves catching up with your grief. It sounds simple, though there’s nothing simple about it. It’s tough to face the accumulated pain and loss. Some of us feel that if we open all that up, we will never recover, and the pain will kill us.
I have seen in my life and the lives of countless others that if they open up these hard places for healing and resolution, they not only survive but also start to live the life they desire.
Come on in… the water’s fine.
If you are willing to dive deep into your story and push through to healing, then get ready to experience genuine joy and peace. Imagine living with a new fortitude to handle the stressors that come your way. And they will come.
It’s your time for healing, so you’ll be strong for the rest of your life. You NEED a companion to make this happen. Call me today.